Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mini Madness and Homecoming.

My night. Picture by picture, minus the ones that are inappropriate for the internet including a referee and switch blunts.

Willy came home!

So did Daniel.

Then they touched.

And Will made this face.

Erik was soooo shocked.

But then everything was alright again.

And Dan was happy.

So he made this face.

Then sipped an ice cold Icehouse.

I got new shoes.

Dan is an alcoholic.

So is Mike.

He has a white ball cap.

They like the hat.

They also like each other.

And doing tricks while drinking.

Group shot!

Dan was more commited to his beer than the trick. He didn't spill a single drop.
Then he landed it.

Then took a break.

And Will did a trick!

But it was cold, so we went inside.

Will danced.

Dan drank champagne.

Erik drank rootbeer.

Right out of the bottle.

Then we ate dinner.

That turned Will on.


Erik wasn't too enthused. 

But the tortellini hit the spot.

His spot too.

Conversation occured.

And more champagne.

Will got turned on again.

He made a move at Erik and got served.

Then Geronimo cried.

So Will went to play with him.

What a tease!

He finally threw it.

Mike was not impressed.

I was impressed.

How could you not be?

I don't remember an orange ball.

Maybe it was a tasty orange.

Pantene Pro-V

Kevin showed up.

Will was expecting him.

So Dan skated a little more.

Then Erik attacked me.

Then got shy.

Then got tough.

Nobody was scared of Erik.